Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Crabs and Databases

I haven't done much development lately. I've been sick for close to two weeks now and haven't really felt up to the task. Right before I got sick, however, I came up with a game idea based on one of my favorite activities: crabbing on the pacific coast. I was having some trouble with how some aspects of the game were going to work out, but after Tia and I discussed it for a while we came up with some changes that work really well. I haven't done much work on the game since then, but it is in a playable form right now and I think it's pretty fun, so I'm excited to keep working on it later.

I'm slowly getting over my sickness now and I've decided to finally start looking in to using SQLite in conjunction with Android. There are a couple apps I'd like to work on that would really benefit from the use of a database and SQLite seems like the best way to go. I haven't worked with databases in close to two or three years, so I've been reading up on some SQLite tutorials as well as some general database design articles. It's been a good refresher and I'm looking forward to working on some database applications.