Well, the time is almost here. Andrew has finished up the sounds, my brother has polished up the graphics, and everything is running like I want it to. We're all ready, and while it is significantly past the time I was hoping to release the game, it's a case of "better late than never". Eric also pointed out to me that in just a over a week now, the new Godzilla movie is going to be released on DVD and that it might make a good time to release our game as well. So, as most new DVD releases occur on Tuesdays (and this one is no different) I'm planning on releasing the game on the Friday or Saturday prior to the movie hitting the shelves. So that's what we have planned. We'll get this game out there and then see what else we might start working on. We've talked about continuing with the Icarus themed game I made a while back. It is super simple, but it's also frustratingly addictive and I think it could be pretty cool to send it out there as well. I think it is the most likely next step.
I also need to go back and refactor bits of all my games prior to Fishy Dive. In Color Coder, Deep Sea Trapper, Androidian Summer Games, and Curse of Anubis, the leaderboards were done with a service called Scoreloop. Well, it seems that Scoreloop is having too much trouble competing with the relatively new Google Play Game Services (which I greatly prefer) and they are no longer going to be supporting their services come the new year. As a result, I need to go back and get all my older games set up with Google Play Game Services before then. It's been on my TODO list for a while, but I've yet to get myself to jump into it as its fairly tedious and involved, but it needs to be done, so that might be up next before working on any new projects.