Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Non-Game Pages.

Had a pretty productive day yesterday. I added 5 activities to the game: main menu, help page, story page, settings page, and a game type page.

The main menu page is straight forward. There's a large button for play that takes you to the game type selection page, and then 3 smaller buttons for Story, Settings, and Help.

The settings page has two toggle buttons for turning off and on sound effects and music, except there isn't actually any sound effects or music in the game yet. It also has buttons that will take you to the Downplay Games facebook, twitter, and website, as well as a "More Games" button that takes you to our page in the Android Market.

The help page and story page pretty much function the same way. They are basically slideshows that you navigate by swiping the screen with your finger. at the bottom left of the page in small text I put a note that says "Swipe to Change Page" just in case the user doesn't automatically get that. Also, in the bottom right there is a page indicator, that says for example "Page 3 of 6", to provide a little feedback so the user doesn't keep swiping when at the end of the 'slides'. These pages will show the help page images and ones depicting the back story of the game.

The game type page is the page displayed right before you get in to playing the actual game. It will be here that the user selects their game mode. I currently have 3 game modes shown. Clicking any game mode button highlights the button's frame in different colors, and obviously clicking a different button removes the highlight from the previous button and places it on the current one. In addition, an image that takes up the right portion of the screen also displays a description of the highlighted game mode. Clicking a game type button that is highlighted takes you to the game page, though the different game modes are not yet implemented.

Getting the new game modes in are next on my list as the various new pages are pretty much finished besides adding proper images and sound effects. I'm also going to be adding some personal high score saving pretty soon. On a side note, my new high score for what should now be considered "Classic Mode" is 13050.

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