Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Evolution of a Monster

Eric and I have been finishing up the monster game lately and we're almost done. Quite a bit late for our intended release date for close to the same day the latest Godzilla movie came out (almost 2 months ago), but it is really looking good and I'm really happy with the way it plays.

So, as a bit of a preview (I guess) here is a lineup of the monster in our game as it has come from my initial froggish looking creature into Eric's finished, scaly reptilian:

So, from left to right we have:
1) My initial programmer art
2) Eric's first try at a monster head and the blank body that I colored in poorly
3) Eric's second head version with the previous body
4) Eric's finished monster with scale textures, open mouth, animated stepping, and glowing back plates

It looks fantastic in the game with the crumbling buildings, attacking military units, and explosions when you shoot stuff down with your atomic fire blasts.

I just need to get some sounds going with the help of Andrew and then we are going to be publishing it to Google Play.

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