Friday, March 22, 2013

Pink and Yellow Ghosts

So, I've been doing some more work on the game, but I haven't added in that level select menu. I have, however, I've completed my ghost level. There are two types of ghost minions, as with all other levels. The first ghost minion class is called the "Fader" and it is currently a pink guy that shoots normal bullets, but the thing with him is that he is in his transparent white/invulnerable mode most of the time, so you have to wait until he 'materializes' to kill him. It really just becomes an exercise in timing to take these guys down. The second minion is the "Confuser" class ghost and they look similar to the Faders but they are yellow. These guys shoot normal bullets like the Fader, but they also shoot a yellow confuse ray bullet. These bullets don't damage the player, but it applies the "confusion" debuff I added to the game.

The Confusion debuff screws with the player's controls. It turns the player a yellow hue so you know whats going on, but it also reverses the player's control in the X direction. So, if your finger is on the right side of the screen, your player sprite will be on the left. It doesn't mess with your controls in the Y direction though. That would be too mean. The confusion lasts for like 3 seconds and then it wears off. You get a half-second shield at the beginning and end of the confusion, just as a courtesy so that the sudden change in location of your sprite doesn't make you run into 5 bullets on the other side of the screen. Below are a couple screenshots of the new minions.

There's also a quick graveyard/fog background going on, but hopefully it will be something cooler in the final version. I still want to get a few more of my level ideas completed, but I really should start working on the level select menu I've talked about. These levels are starting to pile up and even though I can skip through them, its still kind of annoying when I need to test the same level repeatedly. I'll see if I can resist the urge to add more minion types and actually get some menu work done.

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