Friday, February 7, 2014

Helpful Tips and Flawless Victories

Continuing with my scrolling shooter changes, I've made several level changes and hopefully fixed a bug or two. The in-app billing seems to be working well and it has been tested on several devices, so I'm pretty excited.

A couple of the minor, but interesting, changes I have made are the tips and the flawless victory bonus. The tips are just general hints for the player such as suggesting that they pick up powerups even if they don't need them (i.e. health powerup when at full health) because they are still worth points. My brother and I have around 6 hints we've thought of so far. They show up on the level select page just under the high score listings for each level.

I also wanted to put in a bonus the player gets if they complete the level without taking damage, which is fairly standard. My brother suggested the bonus be called a "Flawless Victory" bonus, and being a huge Mortal Kombat fan, that's what I've named it as a bit of an homage. It is pretty straight forward: if you complete the level without taking any damage, you are awarded an additional 500 points. It doesn't count if you take damage and then collect a health powerup and end the level at full health. You have to survive the whole thing without getting hit.

The only things I have left (that I can think of) with the game are little settings type things like this. I added a button to the settings page so that player can turn off device vibration when they take damage. I need to make the button for the gantlet mode look different when it is available. I need to get some basic AdMob stuff in there (this will go away once the player unlocks the full version). Otherwise, though, it is looking fairly complete. I'm going to have to start searching around for an artist willing to take on such a large project very soon.

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