Friday, March 2, 2012

Color Coder Upgrades

So lately I've been focusing primarily on adding new stuff to Color Coder. Still sorting out the Scoreloop issues, but I'm close to resolving them. Contrary to what I said in an earlier post, the Scoreloop support "forums" have been pretty helpful. I've been getting tips from a member of the support staff and that has been nice. I'm pretty sure that we are in way different time zones. Scoreloop is based in Germany and while that doesn't necessarily mean the support staff is from there, I think its a pretty safe bet that they are, and so all my posted questions get answered while I'm asleep. So, I pretty much get a single reply a day. As such, trying the tips I get in those replies has been a pretty slow process. Attempt the solution they describe, it helps but doesn't fully solve the problem, post what the outcome is and what I still need it to do, wait until the next day when I have another reply. Hopefully the next time I add Scoreloop to a game it will be much easier because of this experience, but that would be too easy, so I will probably run in to just as many new problems next time.

I've also been getting music set up in Color Coder. It was actually a little more complicated than I thought it would be, but I have it all working now. It turns off when you hit the home button and doesn't restart when you switch activities. Right now the "music" isn't really music, but actually the game over sound playing on a loop. It will all be good to go when there is an actual music file to play. As a result of adding music to the game, I've also added a music on/off radio button toggle to the settings page. Because of that addition I rearranged the specific sound check boxes to be a 2x2 setup instead of a 4x1 arrangement. This has the additional benefit of giving me some room on the setting page to put a "more games" button in the future. The space isn't really a problem on the full version, but on the Lite versions of the game there isn't much room with the ad on it.

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