Sunday, August 19, 2012

More Summer Games 3: The Revenge (and Databases)

So, lately we've mostly been taking a break from working on games. We'll get started again in a little while, but Tia cut her hand and can't really work on anything for a while and I'm currently working on a database, non-game, app for Android. We do have two more events for Androidian Summer Games full version planned though. The first one is a Track Cycling Sprint, which is pretty simple, but fun enough. The second event is easily my favorite of the two, and probably my favorite of all the events in general. The new event of which I speak, is of course the Discus Throw. It's pretty much done besides some graphics and I really like it. So, those will be out in a new update, hopefully soon depending on how Tia's hand heals and how quickly she starts feeling up for the task of the necessary graphics.

Now, the other project I'm working on currently isn't a game at all, but rather a personal database application. I won't go in to too much detail, but it has been pretty fun and even more daunting to work with SQLite for this app. I haven't really done any database stuff for around 3 years, so it has been intimidating to jump back into all this. Luckily, a lot of it is coming back to me. I've been reading a few chapters of some SQLite books and looking at a lot of examples and I've made some really good progress. I think it is pretty good progress at least. I have two tables so far, and the first one references the second one twice, and some spinners (aka dropdown boxes) on the UI I made fill with the data from the second table. Then you pick something from the list and along with some text you type into a text box, it all gets saved to the database and then it is displayed on a separate page that is available. I still have a lot to do with the app, but I'm pretty excited with the amount of work that I've accomplished so far. Plus, having some database experience under my belt is always good.

So, the database app is my main project right now. I'll try to get this one going and then hopefully I will dive back into the multiple game ideas we are looking in to.

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