Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Deep Sea Trapper Lite and Even More Summer Games

So, we've just released Deep Sea Trapper Lite! Its just like the normal version of Deep Sea Trapper, but free (also, it has ads and is missing several game difficulties)!
Android app on Google Play
Go pick that up and give it a try. If you like it, help us out and give us a review, or better yet, buy the full version, because that would be awesome

Progress on the "Summer Games" project has been good since my last post about it. I've put in the Decathlon style thing. It's named the "Droidcathlon". Technically the "c" shouldn't be there in the middle since in the word "decathlon" the "dec-" part means 10 and the "-athlon" part means "feat". So really if anything it should be "Droidathlon" without the "c" but my reasoning for leaving it in there is that more people will get that when its read or especially when its spoken outload, it clear to the user that it's a decathlon style event where you do all the events and get a medal based on your performance. The left handed mode is a pretty awesome addition, in my opinion, though admittedly an incredibly simple one. I've also got Scoreloop fully integrated with a leaderboard for each event and achievements for medals in each event. Pause menus are set up, the main menu is good, and the event page is looking nice. I've also got swipe-able help pages in there, but they don't actually have anything helpful on them yet. So pretty much the game is good to go as soon as we can get some finalized graphics in there along with a few more sound effects (background music provided by Andrew's music generator is pretty sweet). Hopefully we'll have it out on Google Play before the second half of the London Olympics have started, but its tough to say at this point.

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