Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Making of Androidian Summer Games

Keeping in line with a couple of my other posts, here is some stuff on our Androidian Summer Games project.

Android app on Google Play

Unlike our last two games, there wasn't as much of a slow, gradual transition between the first, bad looking game and the finished one. Since we were playing around with the idea of an Olympics themed game less than a month before the actual Olympics started, and then really didn't get down to working on it seriously until just a couple weeks before, the graphics went into the game pretty much all at once. So, here are just some simple before and after shots:

Long Jump:

You can see how things didn't change too much in concept, but there is a definite improvement in the overall look. A background was put behind the timer to make it easier to see and the medal banner was added to the upper left. Of course, the weird stick figures were replaced by the Android Robot, and grass was given some texture. Also, the stands were replaced with a crowd of cheering robots, and the buttons were given a much better 3D look to them and their transparency was lost.

And there you go. The before and afters of the Androidian Summer Games!

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